Monday, October 18, 2010

Life... it is not for the faint of heart

Well I am offical now! I have never had a blog, aside from my not at all fancy one on MySpace. So I got all motivated today and started one. Now I need something cute and funny to write about. The problem is I am beyond tired and my creative side is not working.

If you have stuck with me this far congratulations! Well I am a mom of four wonderful crazy kids. Wozah I just realized writting this that I have been a mother for 9 1/2 years. Holy moley!!! I am not afraid to admit I learn as much if not more from all of my babies, than I feel I could EVER teach them. I would like to share what I feel and enjoy. I can not promise it will be faithful, every day posting, life with 4 busy kids does not allow for much Claire time, set aside from Mommy time.
As a mother to many I take my job very serious. The world is so amazing, I love to head out into the big wide world, with my family and finding our way together. We are forever learning as we walk side by side, exploring. I am "just" another woman making her way in this crazy world. Life is complicated, stressfull, fun and often more than I would like to admit mundane.