Thursday, October 25, 2012


So, I grew up always wanting more, dreaming and writing in my diaries of who I'd be-so 

much bigger and bolder than  my life was at the time.  Extraordinary....the ordinary life was 

not for me. I dreamed of being a ballerina, speaking different languages, living somewhere 

different...somewhere out of the ordinary. Something that wasn't just the norm, doing 

something not EVERYONE did, living somewhere not everyone lived...not normal. Not 

in a weird, like my parents. Just in a, well in an extraordinary way. I have now come to that 

point in my  life where I would be doing this...but I'm not, nothing every happened. Don't 

get me wrong  I've had some neat experiences but I'm 32 and I'm just doing 

normal...ordinary. Seems like every day is the same. I remember thinking how I would have 

this big perfect house, with nice cars. I just feel like my life does not match my vision in my 

mind. This is not me! Screams a voice in my head.  Perhaps 

there is a lesson in there somewhere, something profound that I'm supposed to learn like 

the basis of life is not what you've done it's who you've worshipped or glorified, it's not that 

I should be extraordinary but that He is. While profound not necessarily lessons I've taken 

to heart...maybe I should but then is letting go of the dreams I've had, things I it 

time to let go? Is that giving up hope or just a redirection in purpose or worship? Any 



Monday, October 18, 2010

Life... it is not for the faint of heart

Well I am offical now! I have never had a blog, aside from my not at all fancy one on MySpace. So I got all motivated today and started one. Now I need something cute and funny to write about. The problem is I am beyond tired and my creative side is not working.

If you have stuck with me this far congratulations! Well I am a mom of four wonderful crazy kids. Wozah I just realized writting this that I have been a mother for 9 1/2 years. Holy moley!!! I am not afraid to admit I learn as much if not more from all of my babies, than I feel I could EVER teach them. I would like to share what I feel and enjoy. I can not promise it will be faithful, every day posting, life with 4 busy kids does not allow for much Claire time, set aside from Mommy time.
As a mother to many I take my job very serious. The world is so amazing, I love to head out into the big wide world, with my family and finding our way together. We are forever learning as we walk side by side, exploring. I am "just" another woman making her way in this crazy world. Life is complicated, stressfull, fun and often more than I would like to admit mundane.